Oklahoma City, OK (March 20, 2019) – Federman & Sherwood announces settlement of Burgerville LLC (“Burgerville”) Data Breach litigation. A class-wide settlement has been reached with Burgerville in a lawsuit pending in the Circuit Court of Oregon, County of Multnomah styled Cochran, et al. v. Burgerville LLC, Case No. 18CV44867. The lawsuit alleged that Burgerville failed to meet its legal obligation to protect consumers’ personal credit and debit card information, including names, card numbers, expiration dates and CVV numbers found on the back of most cards. Burgerville has denied all of the claims in the lawsuit. The Settlement does not establish who is right, and is not an admission of fault, but rather reflects a compromise to end the lawsuit.
The Settlement includes all residents of the U.S. who used a debit or credit card to make a purchase at a Burgerville restaurant from September 12, 2017 through September 30, 2018, with the exclusion of Burgerville’s officers or directors and the judge or judges to whom this matter is assigned and any member of the judges’ staffs, or the judges’ immediate family members.
For additional information about this settlement, please see the Notice at: http://burgervillesettlement.com/media/2472292/v8_bvn_notice_120419_final.pdf
If you are a member of the class and would like to make a claim, please see the Claim Form at: http://burgervillesettlement.com/media/2472289/v9_bvn_claim_120619_final_web.pdf
The deadline to submit a Claim is March 5, 2020.
If you have any questions about the settlement, please contact the Claims Administrator at: http://burgervillesettlement.com/contact-us.aspx or you can visit www.burgervillesettlement.com.
Federman & Sherwood, with offices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Dallas, Texas, has been recognized as one of the top consumer and securities class action law firms in the United States having prosecuted cases for data breach, securities class actions, shareholder derivative cases and consumer class actions nationwide in both federal and state courts. To learn more about Federman & Sherwood please visit www.federmanlaw.com