12/28 Federman & Sherwood Reminds Investors of Imminent Lead Plaintiff Deadline in Securities Class Action Lawsuit Against Interface, Inc.
Federman & Sherwood Reminds Investors of Imminent Lead Plaintiff Deadline in Securities Class Action Lawsuit Against Interface, Inc. If you purchased Interface, Inc. shares between March 2, 2018 and September 28, 2020, have large losses as a result of your trades during this time period, and wish to join this class action, please complete the following Investor Certification. [contact-form-7 id=”1619″ title=”Interface, Inc. (NASDAQ: TILE) Investor Certification”] On November 12, 2020, a class action lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York against Interface, Inc. (NASDAQ: TILE). Federman & Sherwood reminds current and […]